GravityDex: Home: Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

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  1. What is GravityDex?
  2. Can we be listed under additional categories without being charged?
  3. What if the appropriate category does not exist?
  4. Your update page asks if we want to change our description. I could not find a company description anywhere on your Website. Am I misunderstanding?
  5. What does the @ sign mean?
  6. What does GravityDex do with my personal information?
If you have another question please contact us.

1. What is GravityDex?   Back to Top

GravityDex is a hand built and human maintained adventure sports directory. The goal of GravityDex is to become the best resource on the Internet for outdoor sports enthusiasts.

2. Can we be listed under additional categories without being charged?   Back to Top

Your company can be listed in as many categories as is appropriate. For example, if you are a bicycle component manufacturer that makes bottom brackets, handlebars, and pedals, we want to list you within all of these categories. However, if you also make a couple of T-shirts, we will probably not list you as an apparel manufacturer.

All listings are free, but we ask that you keep your link or links accurate and up to date. We also greatly appreciate reciprocal links from your website as well.

3. What if the appropriate category does not exist?   Back to Top

If you make something that does not have a category yet, we will be glad to add the category to the directory. Please realize that the GravityDex is a continuos work in progress.

4. Your update page asks if we want to change our description. I could not find a company description anywhere on your Website. Am I misunderstanding?   Back to Top

Your description does not appear on our site because you have not submitted one yet. Your site was pre-selected to appear in the directory. We made every effort to list you in the appropriate category or categories, but we wanted to leave the description for you. The descriptions are free and highly encouraged. We do ask that you keep the description brief. And remember that GravityDex reserves the right to edit all descriptions.

5. What does the @ sign mean?   Back to Top

The @ sign is used when a category fits appropriately within two different sections. For instance, backcountry gear is useful for both skiing and snowboarding. To avoid redundancies, it has been listed only within the "Skiing: Manufacturers: Accessories: Backcountry" category. Yet, if you are on the "Snowboarding: Manufacturers: Accessories" page, you can still get to the backcountry gear page by going to the Backcountry@ link. You will then be brought to the "Skiing: Manufacturers: Accessories: Backcountry" page. Give it a try with the Binoculars@ link on the "Mountaineering: Manufacturers: Accessories" page.

6. What does GravityDex do with my personal information?   Back to Top

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